Aug 15, 2007

Dumb Steve Joke IV

An Irishman, a German and Dumb Steve were entering a 50-mile cross-country foot race. At the sign-in table, the judge told each of the entrants that the race would begin in an hour, and advised them that they could each bring along one item to use as refreshment during the race.

Forty-five minutes later, the entrants showed up at the starting line. The judge asked the Irishman, “Sir, what have you brought as your item of refreshment?” The Irishman took a large bottle of water out of his pack, and told the judge that he could drink the water when he got thirsty.

The judge asked the German, “Sir, what have you brought as your item of refreshment?” The German took a large, wrapped sandwich out of his pack, and told the judge that he could eat the sandwich when he got hungry.

Finally, the judge turned to Dumb Steve and asked him, “And you sir, what have you brought as your item of refreshment?” Dumb Steve said, “This!” and held up a car door. When the judge asked him to explain, Dumb Steve scoffed and said, “Duh! When I get hot I can roll down the window.”

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