Apr 4, 2010

Peeps on Parade

Here's some great Peep-related fodder for your Easter enjoyment:

Peepshi: A combination of Peeps and Sushi. Made with Rice Krispie Treats, Fruit by the Foot, and of course, Peeps. Looks tasty - if it weren't for all those Peeps and that nasty Fruit by the Foot!

This year's Washington Post's 4th Annual Peeps Diorama Contest winners, Michael Chirlin, 25, and Veronica Ettle, 27 of Arlington, VA, spent two weeks working on their diorama, titled "EEP." They recreated the moment when the elderly Carl's house takes flight, lifted off the ground by a huge bunch of balloons (crafted from Peeps). To make their masterpiece float, they mounted the house on a box spring.

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